Community Improvement Plans

Main Street Makeover LogoOur Community Improvement Plans (CIP) promote redevelopment and revitalization. Caledon has CIP areas in Bolton, Caledon East and the six villages. If you own or lease a commercial property in one of these areas and want to improve your property you may be eligible for grants.

Financial incentives programs

Explore the financial incentive programs in each of the CIP areas in Caledon. Some projects may be eligible for more than one of the financial incentives:

Bolton – financial incentive programs

The Community Improvement Plan – Bolton provides incentives for businesses located within the Community Improvement Project Area (CIPA). The CIPA is divided into three precincts, Bolton Core (BC), Commercial Corridor (CC) and Industrial (I), some grants are only available in certain precincts as shown on the list below.

The incentive grants include:

  • Tax increment equivalent (CC and priority sites)
  • Development charges (BC, CC)
  • Application and permit fee (All)
  • Building and façade improvement (BC, CC)
  • Energy and carbon reduction (All)
  • Property improvement (All)
  • Bolton core residential conversion (BC)
  • Flood mitigation and protection (BC)
  • Privately owned public space and public art (BC)
  • Patio and outdoor cafe (BC)
  • Priority sites revitalization
    • this program is for the following properties: 11 Chapel Street, 15 King Street East and 38 Queen Street N

The Bolton Community Improvement Plan is available online:

Bolton CIP

Caledon East – financial incentive programs

The Community Improvement Plan – Caledon East provides incentives to businesses located in the Community Improvement Plan Area. These incentives include:

  • Building façade and signage improvement grants
  • Property and landscape improvement grants
  • Energy efficiency retrofit grants
  • Historic property improvement grants
  • Planning and building application fee grants
  • Tax increment equivalent grants

The Six Villages – financial incentive programs

The Community Improvement Plan – Six Villages provides incentives to businesses located in the Community Improvement Plan Area. These incentives include:

  • Façade improvement grant
  • Signage improvement grant
  • Landscaping and parking area improvement grant
  • Property conversion and reuse grant
  • Energy efficiency grant
  • Building accessibility grant
  • Planning and building fee grant
  • Tax increment equivalent grant

Six Villages CIP Guide

Apply for CIP financial incentives

Contact us to schedule a meeting before submitting your application. We will review the project and confirm whether it may be eligible for grants and the supporting materials required for the submission.

Before you apply

Make sure you have the following supporting materials:

  • Detailed drawings/work plans
  • Cost estimates
  • Applicable reports

CIP Online Application

Success stories

Learn more about some of the Caledon property and business owners who have benefited from CIP financial incentive grants.

 Jimmy Pountney, 11 and 13 Queen St N, Bolton

Jimmy Pountney and Luci Verdile own Innovations the Salon located in the Bolton Heritage Conservation District.

They saw an opportunity to renovate and restore the façade of their home and business property with the grants and applied for:

  • Façade Improvement (including signage)
  • Energy Efficiency Retrofit

They were approved for $17,049 which offset the cost of improving the energy efficiency of their building and transforming the facade.

Watch the video

 Tony Rummo, 5 to 9 Queen St N, Bolton

Tony Rummo owns 5 to 9 Queen Street North in Bolton. Tony knew that to increase the value of his commercial property and attract good long-term tenants he would have to renovate his building.

Without the grants available through the Bolton Community Improvement Plan it would have been cost prohibitive to do the extensive renovation.

He applied and was approved for $12,500 through the Façade Improvement grant.

Watch the video

 John Sklavos, 334 Queen St S, Bolton

John Sklavos manages 334 Queen Street, which was a 70s building owned by his family.

There were considerable issues with the building and the decision was made to reconstruct on the same footprint and applied for:

  • Façade Improvement (including signage)
  • Landscape Improvement
  • Energy Efficiency Retrofit

The Sklavos family invested $1.5 million to rebuild the 7 unit building and were approved for grants totaling $33,458.50. The building is now attractive, accessible, modern and energy efficient.

Watch the video

 Paul Morin, 19741 Main St, Alton

Paul Morin is an artist, writer and teacher operating a business – Paul Morin Studio in Caledon. In order to renovate his newly acquired heritage building, he applied for the following CIP grants:

  • Property conversion and reuse
  • Energy efficiency retrofit
  • Planning and building fees

Paul received $4,979.43 to help make the improvements to his business.
Watch the video

 David Bettio, 238 Queen St S, Bolton

Dr. David Bettio operates the Bolton Vision Centre. After moving locations, the building needed major renovations. He applied for the following CIP grants:

  • Building and façade improvements
  • Application and permit fee
  • Landscape improvement
  • Energy efficiency retrofit

The Town invested close to $40,000 to the renovation project that totaled close to $250,000.
Watch the video

 Northwest Holdings Ltd, Parr Blvd, Bolton

Bob Inman owns and operates Northwest Holdings Ltd. with his son Paul. They develop and operate numerous properties in Bolton. Their most recent development of 3 multi-unit buildings was supported by the following CIP grants:

  • Building and façade improvements
  • Landscape improvements
  • Energy efficiency retrofit

Watch Bob's testimonial

Downtown Bolton 

The historic downtown area of Bolton is transforming. A number of property and business owners have taken advantage of the CIP financial incentive programs and improved their properties adding to the revitalization and beautification efforts.

Here's who has taken advantage of the incentive programs so far, and there's more to come...

AddressValueTotal InvestedIncentive Programs
31 Queen St. N $7,946 $15,900 Facade
63 King St. W $2,427 $4,855 Landscaping
49 Queen St. N $5,000 $29,000 Landscaping
15 Mill St. $15,103 $32,949 Facade and Landscaping
50-52 Queen St. N $12,700 $40,000 Facade and Application Fees
33 King St. W $5,663 $14,986 Landscaping, Sign, Energy Eff. Retrofit
5-7 Queen St. N $24,855 $60,000 Facades (2)
11-13 Queen St. N $17,049 $54,600 Facade, Application Fees, Energy Eff. Retrofit
56 Queen St. N $12,746 $44,975 Facade, Application Fees
17 Queen St. N $20,477 $412,645 Facade, Sign, Application Fees
23 Queen St. N $19,690 $120,000

Facade, Sign, Application Fees

63 Queen St. N $29,500 $75,000

Facade, Energy Eff. Retrofit

1-3 Queen St. N $39,000 $80,000
